What’s The Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?
Hemp Oil vs. CBD - We Explain All There’s often confusion about the distinction between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil. This isn't surprising, after all, they both come from the...
Hemp Oil vs. CBD - We Explain All There’s often confusion about the distinction between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil. This isn't surprising, after all, they both come from the...
The popularity and potential benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) as a health supplement are now everywhere you look. Reports on specifics vary but all point to the same thing - the...
CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is one of more than 120 cannabinoids found in the Hemp/Cannabis plant. Cannabis oil, or CBD oil as it is more commonly known, is an oil that...
Understand the key quality factors to consider when deciding what CBD products to buy.
As with most perishable products - including supplements - the shelf-life and potency of CBD oil is affected by how you store it. We only use the highest quality ingredients...
Cannabis is a bio-accumulator plant which cleans the soil it is planted in. This means that any toxins or chemicals in the ground, or applied to the plant (including pesticides) are readily...
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the body’s largest neurotransmitter networks but only discovered in the early 1990’s. The ECS is always working to achieve balance, or homeostasis, which means...
Cannabinidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids are naturally oil soluble, not water soluble, so to boost absorption into the body and allow for even mixing they are best diluted and consumed...
One of the most effective ways to absorb CBD into your body is orally, via the Sublingual gland which is under your tongue.
PTSD is short for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition that is estimated to affect 10% of people at some point during their life. It is a chronic psychiatric condition...
Ask any woman who is going / has gone through the menopause and the symptoms are not to be taken lightly -ranging from tiresome to hugely impacting on daily life. Some...
There is some evidence to suggest that CBD can be beneficial for acne and other skin conditions. Some people apply CBD topically to the breakouts themselves (for example using our CBD...
CBD has shown therapeutic potential in many different areas and has proven specifically beneficial for those suffering from high stress levels. But can CBD help with stress and sex?
In 2016 the NHS published a research piece about the link between painful periods and inflammation... "Scientists have finally discovered why periods hurt so much, following a ground-breaking study into...
Recently looking through the National Centre for Biotechnology Information we found a great study from 2011 regarding Anxiety and CBD. The study put participants into traditionally high stress and stress...